20 Questions that Erode Perfectionism

Ever encounter someone perfectionistic and judgemental at the same time? Perfection can easily be the perversion and corruption of excellence. “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” Perfectionism is sometimes used as a club to harm others. What’s underneath? Barbie & Perfectionism, topic covered below. What explains it the best: “Perfectionism nearly always hasContinue reading “20 Questions that Erode Perfectionism”

Six Choices when Making Group Decisions

Consensus is but one of six types of decision making. It is a worthy goal WHEN you have the time and ability to reach true consensus where each member can bring perspective, creativity and insights not available or understood by an individual acting alone. This, along with other benefits, make consensus a default choice forContinue reading “Six Choices when Making Group Decisions”

Less Ghosting, More Commitment, the Covid-era Staffing Challenge

Working through layers can help today’s Covid-era organizations adapt to change resulting in less ghosting, more commitment.

Deb’s Top Ten Winter Sowing Tips

There’s a great place of respite from the weight of world events and dispiriting local noise, and that place is the garden. Even the soil itself has been recently shown in studies to bring energizing catharsis to one’s spirit. To that end, Winter Sowing (WS) is one of the most joyful and hopeful tasks IContinue reading “Deb’s Top Ten Winter Sowing Tips”

Post Pandemic Choices: Work-Life Balance is Winning

Post-pandemic planning and work: It isn’t just about the money in this survey of 4K+ workers who want better work-life balance and will change jobs if they cannot get it: A new survey from the flexible and offsite/remote jobs site FlexJobs is out with results from over 4,600 workers about their jobs, careers and whatContinue reading “Post Pandemic Choices: Work-Life Balance is Winning”

Five Things that Make Gardening So Therapeutic

A few decades ago I came home thoroughly exhausted from my day at work. I was bone tired, and signaled my goal to take a rare 20 minute nap before dinner while my husband kept an eye on the kids. Then, the most remarkable thing happened. As I found myself outside looking at a fewContinue reading “Five Things that Make Gardening So Therapeutic”

Leadership Quality Wins: Moving Beyond 10,000 Hours

What wins the race? It is the leadership quality and finesse of multiple factors that wins, not the novice conceit of speed, or the number of hours of practice. From the book, “Inner Speed Secrets: Mental Strategies to Maximize Your Racing Performance,” by Ronn Langford and Ross Bentley share insights into the nuances that also applyContinue reading “Leadership Quality Wins: Moving Beyond 10,000 Hours”

Prioritizing through Tragedy, War, Conflict and Peace

How do leaders make sense of things, especially difficult, urgent, strategic things that may include shock, pain, tragedy, as well as stress and churn? There are many lessons learned about continuously verifying and updating our information, our data, and the need to clarify, test and refocus on our organization’s purpose. The 2021 update of thisContinue reading “Prioritizing through Tragedy, War, Conflict and Peace”

5 Strategies to Lead Change Using Liberating Structures, DPPE

Featured: Five key concepts and supporting research and tools will help you lead through adaptive change in a VUCA world, one that is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous, as presented in Mexico City for CPA firm leaders at the Russell Bedford International conference, yet applicable for any leader.

One Overlooked Element that Can Stop or Supercharge Any Project, DPPE

Leaders know that good data is essential to good decisions. But what data? Finding the right data, at the right time, from the right sources is critical. Data is the first of four elements from a simple acronym DPPE that stands for Data, Purpose, Plan, Evaluate. DPPE is an easy way to describe and categorize project phases asContinue reading “One Overlooked Element that Can Stop or Supercharge Any Project, DPPE”