20 Questions that Erode Perfectionism

Ever encounter someone perfectionistic and judgemental at the same time? Perfection can easily be the perversion and corruption of excellence. “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” Perfectionism is sometimes used as a club to harm others. What’s underneath? Barbie & Perfectionism, topic covered below. What explains it the best: “Perfectionism nearly always hasContinue reading “20 Questions that Erode Perfectionism”

Six Choices when Making Group Decisions

Consensus is but one of six types of decision making. It is a worthy goal WHEN you have the time and ability to reach true consensus where each member can bring perspective, creativity and insights not available or understood by an individual acting alone. This, along with other benefits, make consensus a default choice forContinue reading “Six Choices when Making Group Decisions”

Leadership Quality Wins: Moving Beyond 10,000 Hours

What wins the race? It is the leadership quality and finesse of multiple factors that wins, not the novice conceit of speed, or the number of hours of practice. From the book, “Inner Speed Secrets: Mental Strategies to Maximize Your Racing Performance,” by Ronn Langford and Ross Bentley share insights into the nuances that also applyContinue reading “Leadership Quality Wins: Moving Beyond 10,000 Hours”

Beyond Resilience: Givers, Takers, Matchers and Anti-Fragile Systems

“Our focus on removing or minimizing randomness has actually had the perverse effect of increasing fragility.”   How can we work through this  paradox in organizations?  Assistant Professor Adam Grant’s recent works provides insights. As a follow-on exploring the concept of anti-fragile systems that I blogged about earlier, consider the power of Dr. Grant’s recent work on Givers,Continue reading “Beyond Resilience: Givers, Takers, Matchers and Anti-Fragile Systems”

Creator, Challenger, Coach through Change: Getting out of the Drama

Being creative can be tough when bad news abounds.  Yet taking the creative, challenging coach role through turbulence is a hero’s journey that matters greatly as we recover and build anew. What does it mean to be a Trusted Change Advisor in today’s turbulent times?

3 Things That Cause Ethical Breakdowns in Workplace Culture: Timing a Reminder is Everything

  Tensions among senior staff in universities seem to be making the news on a regular basis. Examples include leader strife at Rutgers (blame), Penn State (cascade failure to deal with a crime) and University of Virginia (abrupt leadership goings and comings.)

Selecting a Coach: 10 Questions to Ask Your Prospective Coach

Terry “TJ” Wisner interviewed me about how to select a good coach for your needs. I cover the 3-C model of coaching and offer 10 questions useful for deciding who would be great in helping you achieve solid results through selecting a coach for your needs. –Deb

Choosing a Consultant

Consultants are strategy and a strategy. This post reminded me it was time to integrate as Reveln social media, org. dev. consulting, & leader coaching integrate further via the next generation Reveln website launched May 2010. For example, this post is from my mini-blog Posterous site – the framework will be joined by a promised post on performance & participative organizations supporting strategic agility, my last regular Wordpress entry. My very current list of mini-blogs is at the end of this entry including Reveln Consulting with over 13,000 site views as of April-May, 2010. Posterous is a happening mini-blog service. I’m glad to demonstrate how beautifully it works on the upgraded Reveln website. Thanks Mat Piccinato & Ross Johnson for the website support!

Right Sizing Your Education Options

Scott Wachtmann, who recently completed a non-traditional high school and higher education course of study, guest authors this post with a fresh view into education. If you are in higher education or are facing high school and college education choices for yourself or have children who are, you may find his story compelling as well as informative. Scott shares links and resources as well as his story.