Curing ONE of the Seven Deadly Diseases of Management, Performance Appraisals

Entrenched habits tend to persist, mostly invisible, until poets, reformers and provocateurs start writing, talking and asking questions. They challenge us to reexamine long-standing practices that no longer fit our current world and what’s on the horizon.

Beyond Resilience: Givers, Takers, Matchers and Anti-Fragile Systems

“Our focus on removing or minimizing randomness has actually had the perverse effect of increasing fragility.”   How can we work through this  paradox in organizations?  Assistant Professor Adam Grant’s recent works provides insights. As a follow-on exploring the concept of anti-fragile systems that I blogged about earlier, consider the power of Dr. Grant’s recent work on Givers,Continue reading “Beyond Resilience: Givers, Takers, Matchers and Anti-Fragile Systems”

Creator, Challenger, Coach through Change: Getting out of the Drama

Being creative can be tough when bad news abounds.  Yet taking the creative, challenging coach role through turbulence is a hero’s journey that matters greatly as we recover and build anew. What does it mean to be a Trusted Change Advisor in today’s turbulent times?

3 Things That Cause Ethical Breakdowns in Workplace Culture: Timing a Reminder is Everything

  Tensions among senior staff in universities seem to be making the news on a regular basis. Examples include leader strife at Rutgers (blame), Penn State (cascade failure to deal with a crime) and University of Virginia (abrupt leadership goings and comings.)

Using Jung to Clarify the Power of Introversion and Extroversion in Coaching

Learn how to move out of the shallows of those old introvert & extrovert labels. What’s best used as a combo with other aspects of personality?  Introversion and Extroversion.   The famed psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung, is one of the few that has added clarity to the oversimplification or archaic use of introversionContinue reading “Using Jung to Clarify the Power of Introversion and Extroversion in Coaching”

Seven (7) Ways to Respond to Bullying and a Queen Bee

Are you experiencing prolonged harassment?  It may be that you may have just encountered a bully, or, when adding gender into the mix, experiencing an adult “mean girl.” As the number of women in the workforce and in leadership increases, stress in leadership roles has naturally affected women, as it does men,  and can include gender-nuancedContinue reading “Seven (7) Ways to Respond to Bullying and a Queen Bee”

Business Entrepreneur Storytelling at Entre-Slam with Deb

Entre-Slam is an entrepreneurial story telling competition held in Ann Arbor. Storytelling is powerful – and is a key leadership tool.  Telling my story was also a great way to illustrate storytelling as important to change and communicating complex ideas, including my history in organization development (OD).   Explaining OD to the uninitiated is like describingContinue reading “Business Entrepreneur Storytelling at Entre-Slam with Deb”

Two Tried & True Change Models – Evergreen for Agile Change

“There isn’t anything so practical as” a good model to help leaders, change agents and advocates explain what is happening in change and transition, paraphrasing Kurt Lewin.  An informed change leader can head off the deadly effects of compliance and indifference and increase true, community commitment with a good set of tools, facilitation skills and change research, informed by timelyContinue reading “Two Tried & True Change Models – Evergreen for Agile Change”

Messing up a Change Implementation with Someone Else’s Learning Culture?

Netflix culture and their lack of need for leadership development is SO attractive, like the siren song of Greek myth.  It creates great press for Netflix, yet it is so un-duplicatable without the right staffing & culture values mix.   Once again, culture trumps strategy every time.  Helping culture to shift using smart, agile strategyContinue reading “Messing up a Change Implementation with Someone Else’s Learning Culture?”

There’s No Such Thing as Leadership? Pull, Influence and “Open Space” vs. Power

This post features the leadership vs. management thinking of Peter Drucker as well as the distributed power concepts of Open Space methodology, a way to give voice to everyone that is balanced by hidden and overt guidelines and principles inherent to any group or organization. There’s the often asked question, “What is management vs. whatContinue reading “There’s No Such Thing as Leadership? Pull, Influence and “Open Space” vs. Power”